
Go from data to knowledge


Check our Services

Internal knowledge base search

With our AI language models, we enhance the searchability of your internal knowledge base, enabling employees to extract valuable insights effortlessly.

AI in law

Introducing our revolutionary SaaS product designed exclusively for law firms, empowering legal professionals with streamlined case law retrieval and facilitating efficient, well-informed decision-making processes.


Our second SaaS product enhances the searchability of demurrage case law, enabling maritime professionals to efficiently calculate payments for extended ship dockings by streamlining the retrieval of relevant legal precedents.


Our Team

Meet the people behind Artificieel

Jorrit Willaert

Computer Scientist with a specialization in AI

Jasper De Moor

Senior Software Engineer and AI expert


Frequently Asked Questions

  • At Artificieel, we take the privacy of our users very seriously. We provide two options, depending on the preferences of our clients. The first option is to use our software on-premise, meaning that the data never leaves the client's servers. The second option is to use our software in the cloud, in which case the data is stored on our servers. In this case, we guarantee that the data is stored in a secure way and that it will never be shared with third parties.

  • Our language models utilize document embeddings to enhance the retrieval of relevant documents based on user queries. Unlike traditional keyword-based approaches, our models leverage the semantic meaning of the documents, resulting in more accurate and meaningful search results. This allows users to discover relevant documents they may have otherwise overlooked, providing a more comprehensive and effective search experience.

  • We recognized the challenges faced by law firms in locating relevant case laws for specific cases, primarily due to the suboptimal search engines available and the absence of a centralized database for case law in Belgium. However, with the advent of new regulations in 2023, a significant amount of case law data will become accessible. Capitalizing on this opportunity, we are developing a SaaS product that empowers law firms to effortlessly discover pertinent case laws. By harnessing the semantic meaning of the case laws, our solution ensures precise and meaningful search results, revolutionizing the way legal professionals access and utilize relevant information.

  • Our process begins by carefully examining the data sources that need to be integrated, such as fetching data from the Evernote API or incorporating an existing database. We then develop customized data models to cater to the specific requirements of our clients. Finally, we deploy the solution, offering flexibility in either on-premise or cloud-based deployment based on the client's preferences.